Enlightenment & Ecstatic Chakra-Activations
Everyone is searching for the higher ecstatic spirit within him- or herself. It's one of the most difficult things you can reach in life: Spiritual Enlightenment. Only the dedicated Chosen Few will discover and continue the Path of Enlightenment. Higher stages of evolution will be only available for them whose mental ego is dissolved and meditated on the Seven Chakras for years and years.
- Stress Reduction & Energy Management
- Dissolving Mental Blockades (Life Cycle Analyses)
- Spiritual Cleansing
- Full Consciousness Transmissions
- Raising-Up Awareness Levels
- Reaching Higher Spiritual Stages
- Meditation-Trainings
- Guided Meditations
- Spiritual Psychology & Stages
- Healing & Recovery
- Trauma-Healing
- EGO-specialist/positionalities/dissolving/dismantle
- De-EGO-Identification Analyses (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- Chakra-Activations & Awareness / Opening Amrita-Nadi-Line (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh) (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- Gautam Buddha (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- Jesus of Nazareth (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- Hawkins M.D. Ph.D. (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- The Bhagavad Gita / Veda's (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
- The Upanishads / Veda's (Private Teachings/Double Sessions)
Spiritual Stages (Hawkins M.D. Ph.D.)
20 – 199 Victim/Abuser Consciousness – The Realm of the Lower Self (Ego)
20 – 29 Shame, Humiliation, Elimination (Life: Miserable, Despising)
30 – 49 Guilt, Blame, Destruction (Life: Evil, Vindictive)
50 – 74 Apathy, Despair, Abdication (Life: Hopeless, Condemning)
75 – 99 Grief, Regret, Despodency (Life: Tragic, Disdainful)
100 – 124 Fear, Anxiety, Withdrawal (Life: Frightening, Punitive)
125 – 149 Desire, Craving, Enslavement (Life: Disappointing, Denying)
150 – 174 Anger, Hate, Aggression (Life: Antagonistic, Vengeful)
175 – 199 Pride, Scorn, Inflation (Life: Demanding, Indifferent)
200 – 439 Self-Empowerment – Overcoming the Lower Self (Ego)
200 – 249 Courage, Affirmation, Empowerment (Life: Feasible, Permitting)
250 -309 Neutrality, Trust, Release (Life: Satisfactory, Enabling)
310 – 349 Willingness, Optimism, Intention (Life: Hopeful, Inspiring)
350 – 399 Acceptance, Forgiveness, Transcendence (Life: Harmonious, Merciful)
400 – 439 Inner Understanding and Inner Light Opening (Life: Abstract)
440 – 1000 Self-Realization – From Awakening to Full Consciousness
440 – 499 Inner Wisdom – Awakening to the Higher Self (Life: Meaningful)
500 – 539 Inner Love Opening and Ascension (Life: Loving)
540 – 599 Joy, Serenity and Oneness – The Planetary Self (Life: Complete)
600 – 669 Surrendering to Presence: Peace, Bliss and Perfection. The Galactic / Cosmic / Christed Self. I AM Presence and Soul Merge (Life: Present Beingness)
670 – 699 Non-Duality Beyond Ying and Yang (Life: Non-Dual Beingness)
700 – 799 1st Stage of Enlightenment: The Universal “I AM”. Awareness Awakening (Life: Universal Self)
800 – 849 The Great Unknown Surrender, The Great Void, The Womb of the Universe (Life: Mysticism)
850 – 899 2nd Stage of Enlightenment: Divine Grace & Love Union (Life: Pure Love)
900 – 999 3rd Stage of Enlightenment: Supra Causal Truth Consciousness Awakening (Life: Truth Self)
1000 4th Stage of Enlightenment: Absolute Self, God Self, Full Consciousness (Life: Absolute Self)
Book Your 75-Minutes Intake + Consult!
De Kern uit het Johannes Evangelie!
Meditatietraining & de ‘Flux’!
The Matrix and Conservatism/Reactionary! (English)
The Most Important Wisdoms of A Limitless Sky from Osho! (English)
Love & Freedom - The Koan of Relationships – The Essence
The Wisdom-Quotes of Osho - India My Love!
The Wisdom-Quotes of Nietzsche's Zarathustra by Osho!
Het loslaten van de Oude Identiteiten voor meer Spiritueel Levensgeluk!
De Diepere Spirituele Betekenissen van het Christelijk Kruis!
Jordan Peterson: Beyond Order! - Aanvullingen en Ontkrachtingen!
Leven vanuit de Zeven Chakra Energie!
The Seven Fields of Enlightenment!
Chakra-Awareness voor Gevorderden – Buddha versus Osho!
De Drie Guna’s: Van Tamas naar Rajas naar Sattva - binnen de Vedische Psychologische Filosofie!
Night Meditation: Efficiënt & Doelmatig!
De 38 EGO-positionalities op een rij!
De Vier Kardinale én Drie Theologische Deugden!
Het Goddelijke schiep de aarde in zeven fasen/dagen/chakra’s!
Eva en de 'rib' van Adam: een Spirituele Uitleg!
De Zondeval/Erfzonde van Adam & Eva: een Spirituele Uitleg!
Cursus Oosterse Wijsheid, Naarden Vesting
Kahlil Gibran - De Profeet - Spirituele uitleg van de 10 belangrijkste teksten!
De TIEN Gouden Leefregels van Osho!
De Kwaliteiten van het Transpersoonlijke Zelf en het Super-Ego! Raising-Up our Consciousness Levels!
Het OPENEN van de CROWN/SAHASRARA-CHAKRA: A Thousand Petaled Lotus and The 7th Chakra!
Van de 3de naar de 5de Spirituele Dimensie: Ontwaken in 5D-CONSCIOUSNESS - Hoe zit het NU echt?
EGO-Dissolving: Wat zijn de uitingen van ons EGO?
De Opening van de (Extatische) Heart Sutra: Meer Stilte en Rust in het Dagelijkse Leven!
Androgyn 2.0 – een diepe spirituele ontwikkeling naar de top!
Tim Keller over dienend spiritueel/christelijk leiderschap!
Stap zo snel mogelijk uit je Slachtofferrol voor Echt Levensresultaat!
De zeven christelijke (spirituele) hoofdzonden: de weg naar het Goede!
De wens naar (financiële) vrijheid is een wens naar Spirituele Groei!
Alleen een Universele Identiteit kan ons nog verenigen en ons zelfvertrouwen herstellen!
The Three Stations of the Heart within the Amrita Nadi-line – The River of Bliss Consciousness!
Onzekerheid: hoe kom je er spiritueel vanaf!
De Spirituele Ladder: ‘van de Having naar de Doing naar de Being!'
Van de Spirituele Intentional Doingness-fase naar de Spirituele Contemplative-fase!
Houd van de dood – houd van het leven!
Osho’s uitgaande spirituele stroom; Jezus’ terugkerende spirituele stroom!
Gevolg- versus resultaatdenken: the spiritual way to reach your goals and happiness!
Ontspruit het Oshioaanse bewuste dier in jezelf en word spiritueel gelukkig!
'Dissolve the ego': de enige weg naar Spirituele Verlossing
Het Westerse gevoel van ontworteling en onze psychische gespletenheid!
De Spirituele Staat van Zijn: wat is dat precies?
Leef jij als Osho’s nieuwe mens – de ‘homo spiritus ludens’ – voor langer termijn geluk en welzijn!
Hoogbegaafdheid: wat is het precies en waarom is het spiritueel verklaarbaar?
Boek succes met de wetten van manifestatie en creatieve spanning!
De zes basisangsten die je weerhouden om echt te gaan leven!
Depressie is gestolde energie! Kom er op een natuurlijke spirituele wijze vanaf!
Van een angstige rivale naar een open succesvolle spirituele organisatie!
Tevredenheid in het dagelijks leven: fundamentele goedheid en meditatie
De zeven universele spirituele principes die je laten verder groeien als mens en als leider!
De zestien verschillende niveaus van bewustzijn en hun emotionele kenmerken! Weet waar jij nu zit!
Hoe bereik je langdurige gelukzaligheid en innerlijke rust?
Verslag: Van Stress naar Zen – Theosophical Society Point Loma
Verslag: How to become an imperfectionist – Haemin Sunim
YouTube Books
Indwelling your Chakra-Energy - The Second Coming of Christ: Volume 2! (English)
Spiritual Drunkness - The Second Coming of Christ: Volume 1! (English)
Breaking the Evolutionary Path - Reaching Higher States of Consciousness! (English)
Where There is Light! (English)
Living without Fear! (English)
How to be Victorious in Life! (English)
Healing Affirmations! (English)
Metaphysical Meditations! (English)
How You Can Talk With God? (English)
The Theosophical Society! (English)
The Yoga of Jesus - Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels! (English)
The Five Initiations of Jesus Christ! (English)
The Science of Self-Realization! (English)
Enlighten your Soul! (Psychology & Evolution) (English)
Towards an Ecstatic Loaden Life! (English)
Spiritual Awakening & Protection! (English)
Transcendental Happiness! (English)
The Teachings of Buddha! (English)
The Power of Timeless Wisdoms! (English)
The Ecstasy of the Heart! (English)
Becoming a Spiritual Being! (English)
The Deepest Layers of The Bible! (English)
The World of Meditation is Pure Insecurity!
From Glimpses to Crystallization!
What did you actually Gained from The Matrix?
Overcoming Psychological Cancer!
Drop the Very Idea of Winning!
Stay out of the Grip of Civilization!
Stepping Out Your Mental Self-Enslavement!!
The Highest Science of Reality!
The Seekers of the Path - Osho!
Legenda Aurea - The Lives of the Middle Ages Holy Spirits!
The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius!
Krsna - The Supreme Personality of Godhead - Part 1!
Krsna - The Supreme Personality of Godhead - Part 2!
The Lotus Flower & The Child-Crown!
Nietzsche's Zarathustra by Osho - Part 2!
Nietzsche's Zarathustra by Osho Part 1!
The Gospel of John (Johannes) Declared!
The Secret Nag Hammadi Scriptures - Up to Higher Enlightened Stages!
Zen Anecdotes towards Enlightenment!
Ouspensky - In Search of the Miraculous!
Aspects of Meditation 4 - Medicine & Meditation!
Aspects of Meditation 3 - Awareness, The Key!
Aspects of Meditation 2 - Mediation, a Jumping Off Point!
Aspects of Meditation 1 - The Body, The First Step!
Ma Tzu - A Spiritual Young Horse!
The Buddha Said - The Challenge of Life's Difficulties!
The Devine Melody - Attaining Crown Chakra!
The Discipline of Transcendence!
365 Meditations for the Here & Now!
Philosophy in the Islamic World!
Innocence, Knowledge and Wonder!
Life, Love, Laughter - Celebrating your Existence!
Mindfulness in the Modern World!
Osho - Autobiography of a Spiritual Incorrect Mystic!
Shamanism - Archaic Techniques of Ectasy!
Yoga - The Science of the Soul!
Non-duale Coaching en Therapie!
Living Buddha, Living Christ - Thich Nhat Hanh!
The Tantra Experience - On the Royal Song of Saraha!
Life is a Soap Bubble - Social DayLove, Change Yourself First & 'So Called Pleasures'!
Meetings with Remarkable People!
Spiritualiy & Leadership - De 6 Beste Leiderschapskwaliteiten!
Spiritual Leadership Path - De 7 Eigenschappen van een Goede Leider!
Spiritual Leadership - De Zeven Voordelen van Meditatie op de Werkvloer!
The Dhammapada - The Sayings of Buddha!
The Bhagavad Gita - Indian Spirituality!
Sex, Ecology & Spirituality - The Spirit of Evolution!
The Upanishads - Indian Spirituality!
The Essence of Enlightenment - Vedanta (1)!
Dharmium - Serum van Wijsheid!
Compassion - The Ultimate Flowering of Love!
Meditation - The First & The Last Freedom!
Provocations into Consciousness!
Fear - Understanding and Accepting the Insecurities of Life!
The Magic of Self-Respect - Awakening of Your Own Awareness!
The Flowers Flowered - Zen and Loving Life!
Moral, Immoral, Amoral - What Is Right & What Is Wrong?
Joy - The Happines That Comes from Within!
Gold Nuggets - Messages from Existence!
The Perfect Way - Evolution & Revolution!
The Book of Women! Female Spirit!
Healing & Wholeness in Spirituality!
Transformation & Healing (Mindfulness)!
The Joy of Living Dangerously!
Leven in Liefde - Terug naar de Bron van Innerlijke Kracht!
Seksualiteit & Spiritualiteit!
I AM - Affirmaties die je leven verbeteren!
I say unto You - Jesus - Son of God or Mystic?
Nirvana - Learn to Trust in Life!
The Zen Understanding of Mind and Consciousness!
Speak to us of Love - Reflections on Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet!
Living on Your Own Terms - What Is Real Rebellion?
The God Conspiracy - The Path from Superstition to Superconsciousness!
What Now, Adam? The Book of Men!
When the Shoe Fits - Living without Effort!
The Beauty of the Human Soul - Provocations into Consciousness!
Sex Matters - From Sex to Superconsciousness (1)!
In Love with Life - Reflections on Nietzsche's Zarathustra!
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness!
Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man (1)!
The Discovery of the Presence of God (1)!
De kracht van het NU in de praktijk!
The heart of Buddha's teaching!
Het Geheim der Geheimen - Yin en Yang, Man en Vrouw - Voorbij de Dualiteit!
Het Boek der Geheimen - Soetra 1 - 63!
Het Boek der Geheimen - Soetra 63 - 112!
Falling in Love With Darkness!
Wie ben ik? - Ramana Maharshi!
Emotions - Freedom from Anger, Jealousy and Fear!
The Teachings of Ramana Maharsi!
The Heart of I AM - The Point of Divine Origin!
De Bijbel - Spirituele uitleg bijbelteksten!
Nietzsche Zharathustra - zoals u hem nog niet kende (1)!
The Mustard Seed - The Revolutionary Teachings of Jesus (OSHO) (1)!
Houden van Dingen die Niet Perfect Zijn!
Animus en Anima - Over het Mannelijke in de Vrouw en het Vrouwelijke in de Man!
De Weg naar het Zelf - Carl Jung en zijn Spirituele Zoektocht!
The Political Teachings of Jesus!
YouTube Seminars
Seminars #12 / The Teachings of Buddha (English)
Seminars #11 / The Teachings of Jesus Christ! (English)
Seminars #10 / Dissolving the EGO! (English) - Amsterdam 11 December 2021 De Roos Spiritual Centre
Seminar #7 / The Path of Enlightenment (Dutch) - 4 December 2019 Consciousness School Amsterdam
Seminar #6 / The Path of Enlightenment (English) - 20 November 2019 Consciousness School Amsterdam
YouTube Short Video's
Meditatie voor Geluk en Welzijn!
Contemplatie: wat is dat precies!?
Spirituele Evolutie: buiten tijd en ruimte!
Spirituele Verlichting en Chakra's Openen! Het Ascentieproces!
De Opening van de Hridaya - Ons Spirituele Hart! Spirituele Transformatie 1!
De Opening van je Hart-Chakra voor Innerlijke Vrede! Spirituele Transformatie 2!
The Ruby Ray Line en Christ-Consciousness! Spirituele Transformatie 3!
De Opening van de Crown-Chakra! Spirituele Transformatie 4!
Van de Crown-Chakra naar de 1000 nadi's: Spirituele Transformatie 5!
Van de Nadi's naar de Palm Chakra's: Spirituele Transformatie 6!
Coaching Programs 1-1
GuidoFox offers the following Coaching Programs to Evolve and Upgrade your Emotions, Understandings & Skills of Life. The Coaching Programs starts with a price of 1800E for 6 sessions. The Intake + Consult of +-75 minutes (300 euro) will be a discount on your Package.

Enlightenment & Ecstatic Chakra-Activations
Together we will work to raise-up your consciousness levels, understandings of your destructive mental blockades & dissolve them and we go deeper into the spiritual energy-transmissions to opening-up your seven blissful inner centers.

Philosophical Coaching & Deeper Life Wisdoms
We will discover the deeper layers of your life: the directions, the reasons of 'why' things happened and try to get a better understanding - with the wisdoms of the philosophers at the background - of your daily practice challenges.

Leadership Development & Business Visionary
We will unlock your leadership-potential and create an atmosphere for growth & insights - for your management qualities & business vision.

Career, Purpose & Psychological Support (High Giftedness Specialist)
Your career is one of the most important aspects in your life - income & time-wise. We will work together towards a healthy balanced career-path where you come at ease & feel comfortable.

Relationships (Borderline Specialist)
You are able to drastically improve your skills in relationships to level-up the well-being of your important life. We will go deeper into the understandings of the relationship-dynamics of your past & current relationships and get your love-dynamic at a higher level of peace, compassion for eachother and flowing. Besides, we are working on your social personal development skills.

Dating, Intimacy & Social Dynamics
Together we will optimize your social skills to meet women during the day. You get more insights - not only in your own social skills -, but also in the dynamic man-to-woman. After the sessions you are able to create an abundance dating life with fitting women in your close surroundings.

Together we will create a body you deserve. We manage a healthy way of life - in nutrition, training-schedules & fat-loss plans.

Zoom/Whatsapp Coaching
GuidoFox offers Zoom, Whatsapp & Call-options for 1-1 Coaching. You are able to contact him wherever you are in this world.

Life Coaching Academy
To become a Life Coach is not easy: per example, which kind of questions I have to ask? Or which questions I have not to ask? We will work together to make from you a high quality Life Coach.