#322 - Stop Counting your Sets! – DayGame (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article ;)
In the past and recently I got/get from clients, but also observations/talks with friends/others in the daily field of DayGame, the following question: should I approach women by numbers, like 5/10/20 or even 100 (yes, serious) per day?
I prefer to start this article with a scientific counterbalance (pros): why you should count?
There are several reasons to count your sets:
1. It makes you active (not lazy) and warm (body-warmth) every day
2. You set goals and you confirm to it (dedicated attitude)
3. From every set/opener you learn (conversation skills & face-readings)
And there are several reasons to not count your sets (cons):
1. Your focus is too much on the amount of sets and less on instant-dates and -pulls (intimacy)
2. Your focus is too much on the amount of sets and less on the quality or openness of the women
3. You become too rational in your game (‘just 2 sets left’)
4. You could reach your goals (like 10 sets) easily in 20 minutes (small talk & openers (rejections included)), go for a beer afterwards (‘the work is done!’) and nothing (special) happened (you will not striving for a date/pull after you reach your count-goal)
5. Spam-approaching could be done for several times per year for the fun, but mostly you are too tired for a date/pull afterwards (ineffective game / your warm-up is for nothing)
6. Your success comes in waves, sometimes more approaching, sometimes less in days/weeks – stay active and have your eyes open every moment if you hit the streets
7. I should advice counting for a short while only for the extreme beginner who deals with approach-anxiety
8. Counting could also lead to mental pressure and game has to be free & casual in my opinion
I have periods that I approach many women per day/week (10-20 average per day) and after 2 weeks the dates are kicking-in and I am lowering my approach-rate to safe time/energy for the dates.
I have days that I approach 20 women per day and the next day just 1 or 2 and it is direct an instant-date/pull (energy-building day before).
I have days that I am very critical/lazy and approach only 1-3 women per day and the numbers are more safe and I am able to put all my energy in that/those set(s).
At latest: if you stay active every day, you tackle the 3 earlier mentioned pros too!
Success comes in waves!
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
High-End Spiritual Dating Coach