#300 - How to Get a High Value Albanian 9 on a Date! TextGame-Analyses – Overcoming Tests – Dating Coaching! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article!

TextGame – in other words – how to text with women that she is going with you for a date after she gave you your phone number – is a very important subject in meeting with women, because the way you text her could be a disturbing factor in the possibility & chance for a real life date (i.e. missed relationships).
A lot of important aspects you are able to learn from this text-example:
1. GuidoFox: ‘Hi!’
I always say ‘Hi!’ on Whatsapp direct afterwards or in the conversation when we changed our numbers: at this manner, we are in a quick way already connected and she has also my number (she is able to react too). The exclamation mark shows some action + positiveness.
2. GuidoFox: Enjoy the market ;)
In this case she is high value and I give her an extra spike referring to our conversation (building-up comfort).
3. She: Thank you!!
She reacts very positive with a double exclamation mark.
4. GuidoFox: ‘Hi….14.00 X’
In the eve I wrote a message to meet-up (non-needy behavior / not the next day) where I made a statement: ‘We definitely meet up ;)’. I show some dedication & dominance here, especially East-European, Russian and Balkan women appreciate this behavior.
‘Come to me’: shows the same dominance & leading role play.
In his case she is a high value woman whereby I make the choice of giving her two opportunities: one activity at my place or two – I show investment – to go to her. You will see later that she will agree with the first (most chance of intimacy) option, because A) I show investment (option 2) and B) I give her non-needy space (high value behavior by high value women).
5. She: ‘Hahaha we will see’ + ‘Where did u even see me, what were u doing there’
She reacts very short (first test) at my extended text before (I showed investment there).
6. GuidoFox: ‘No no….Amsterdam :P’
I ‘counterattack’ here her first sentence (that’s strong behavior), end with a playful wink and tell her that we go together (working on bonding here (double)).
I explained later that I met here during my coffee walk: it was a special spontaneous moment and she will be able to feel special now (and not one of those other girls who I approach regularly).
The next part of the text is high level (text) game: I turn around that she must be lucky that she met me (because the Starbucks was overcrowded). So, I grab some power back here, because A) I had to explain her question and B) the text is extended in comparison with her text (investment inequality).
And at last, I counter her question back what she was doing there with a little joke, referring (again) to our conversation earlier.
7. She: ‘Well u are not a lawyer anymore’ + ‘So idk how valid that point is’
She is testing me here in a very short way again: how I will react (as a man) on her difficulty.
8. GuidoFox: ‘I am filled….free time!’
I parry this question on a joke full way and referring to her work as a judge assistant (our conversation earlier again).
‘I am curious about your personality’: here I test her back and change the topic. In a deeper way, I communicate: I am curious if you are not such a difficult person and that she has to stop the tests: you serious are testing me so much? Who you think you are? – Some value protection here.
9. She: ‘Well Im also….pancakes’
You see a lot of text now from her side: she opens up and you see that I broke through her tests and she even wants to come for pancakes to my studio/office (first option) and asks me to plan the date further.
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
Spiritual Dating Coach