#343 - The Mongolian Pull: from 22.00 is too late towards getting laid! (Dating Coaching / Text Game) (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article ;)

I wrote earlier the following article about Text Game: #300 - How to Get a High Value Albanian 9 on a Date! TextGame-Analyses – Overcoming Tests – Dating Coaching! (English)

Text Game is a very important aspect in the world of Pick-Up, because communication nowadays with women goes merely via the phone. Without a good feeling about your writing skills (what, when, intuition, emotions (spikes), corrections, variety, emoticons, etc.) you are nowhere. In a couple of messages women are able to see through your way of texting your personality (blue-print / matching) and decide the place on the ladder of hierarchy & the boxes (beta, alpha, in between). 

A well understanding of Text Game is useful to get a woman on a date (e.g. online dating), holding attention in between the dates and – last but not least – saving & upgrading your relationship with your partner. In this example I will show you how I get the woman on the date with overcoming her tests & showing my intentions (intimacy on the first date) – where she is going align with.

13:11 See you there at 21.00! > I wrote earlier at Bumble to meet before my coaching studio for a walk 

13:13 Sure > She agrees (slightly) 

19:09 She pumps up the middle idea (very common test) 

19:55 Social Positive Calibration with the Place (Dam Square) first + Pushing forward towards initial idea (holding frame)  

I am running out of my work, so I have to change the time 

19.56 I understand (showing empathy) + Have a good time! (power to say goodbye) 

19.59 I change the location towards a bar (variety) + pushing forward towards a meeting 

19:59 Sending location of the bar (I always do this to make it clear, visible & trustful) 

20:06/20:07 Bringing-up (on a male way) solutions 

20:15 Not convincing her, but staying positive & active (!) 

20:15 Reminding her that it is her last night

20:35 This is a genius one: joking/confronting her with her own words (20:00) + Pushing forward towards the initial idea (again) (variety trade-off with holding frame)

20:40 Objections Repeating (too late, tired & lazy) (again)

20:47 Being (male) dominant here (she told me later about it) + Bringing-up solutions (male behaviour) (variety > Red Bull > Espresso) 

21:14 Cancelling/Sleeping (if I ever come to Vancouver for the first date) 

21:16 I change the location towards her (showing willingness to investment)

21:17 I dive into the hostel aspect & offer her a wonderful (private) bed (solution)

For the really advanced ones: no signs here to avoid neediness + too obvious (!, ;), :P) 

21:18 She don't want to shower there (hostel) & use this argument for herself to cover-up the underlying idea (intimacy) 

21:19 Take your stuff with > for sleeping/staying-over for the night (multiple events) 

21:25 + 22:09 Variation in emoticons (positive confirmations) 


GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!

High-End Spiritual Dating Coach
