#328 - Open Window Mechanisms & Game! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article ;)
In game there are two ways to interpret open window mechanisms:
1. The crucial chance/opportunity a woman could give to you to have intimacy with her within a short time-frame
2. The short time-frames in Day- and NightGame that universe will give you a chance to meet the right fitting women
I would like to talk about point 2.
I teach my clients all: long-time periods of low-key game / short-more-intense periods of game. You need both to be multi-dynamic in your game.
If you look from the alpha-guy principle: he is always busy with his business and/or ruling the country. That means he has to be as efficient as possible to meet his mating opportunities (long & short term). In that frame – not only short interactions/(instant)-dates will be fitting/preferable/recommendable – also for his time-frame of game: short & intense (without going into spam-approaching).
After years and years in game, short-intense (efficient) hunting walks (2 x per week / 2 hours), could have an advantage in several ways:
A) You are forced to approach more women (in a short time frame)
B) You are earlier energetic 'warm'
C) You are forced to be less critical in approaching women (lower your standards)
D) Your talkative skills explodes (because of the more approaches)
E) You are not thinking too much, so you are more in the moment and react from your higher intuition/lower gut feelings (nice combination)
F) You are less scared to approach women (in difficult circumstances), because a) you approach more & b) you are coming in state/flow and c) your talkative skills explodes (as explained earlier)
G) You are more direct/spontanous in your way of being & approaching-style and qua talkative skills: more freedom of outcome
H) Women feel that you are on the hunt and also the days afterwards: they react very well on this energy
I) You are walking faster than the Matrix-people in the shopping street (I like that), to not become part of the strolling shopping crowd
J) You are short in The Matrix: could lead to energy savings/preventing leaks from lower calibrated persons
K) You had a wonderful fast-walking training for your legs/condition & you feel alive!: blood-stream
Summarized: combine the easy-going-lazy-alpha game with the more intense one!
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
High-End Spiritual Dating Coach