#327 - Matrix-Pressures & Game! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article ;)
If you look at the matrix, deeply fulfillment at a sexual & intimacy level is very rare. Mostly, we are missing a) the deep connection with the fixed partner and b) the energetic spikes of variety from time-to-time or c) no intimacy (and touching’s) at all.
These three matrix-leakages are responsible for frustrations-, jealousy-, condemning- and stress-mechanisms in the relationships and negatively (violently) boiling-up reacting’s on the outside world (society & work).
The negative (low-frequency) behavior patterns of the (sexless) crowd will play a role in DayGame and the mirroring reflections of your development as a successful (evolutionary attractive) person (grow out of the frequency of the crowd).
Two Options
In DayGame you are able to approach a woman in two ways: a) an instinctively ‘spontaneous’ approach within several seconds or b) a situational one – if the first option isn’t good/comfortable possible (e.g. she is too far/encircled by a group of men).
If the first option isn’t possible, we will/could/it is advisable to - take different matrix-pressures considerations into account to increase the chance of a following-up (number & instant-date/pull).
The love/intimacy-frequency out of the matrix is higher than in the matrix as discussed before: an instinctively ‘spontaneous’ approach is pure in the moment and therefore out of rationality and thus outside the matrix (of hesitation/overthinking/waiting)(spiritual bubble mechanism*).
If we continue with this matrix-paradigm the ‘second-best’ approach has to be – so far so good – also outside the matrix: less matrix-pressures as possible (avoiding high-matrix-pressure-points).
This means open the woman – in less crowded places (very busy streets with condemning matrix-eyes), – not before terraces (at squares)(with condemning eyes of the sitting public), – not in shops (with security and heavy chances of the eyes), – if she steps out of the train/tram/airplane/row(line)/phone-conversations/picture-moments (if you cannot approach her within a few seconds in these situations) and not before a group/line with watching men (she feels the condemning pressure).
If the time continues and the woman is still in a high-matrix-pressure-point, you are able to stop the waiting and approach her (if she worth it) because your time is valuable (you cannot approach another woman in that time-waiting-period or do other important things).
*A spiritual bubble mechanism is the situation in DayGame that you feel together isolated from the rest of the world/crowd for a couple of minutes (in a kind of bubble) and it is only possible if you are warm & approach instinctively fast (I met my girlfriends at this way)
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
High-End Spiritual Dating Coach